
Saturday, September 7, 2013

I haven't blogged in a while. Can you tell that I've been incredibly busy?

So yeah, I've been busy, mostly with work. Like everyone else. The thing is though, with this job, I'm loving it! Manager is pretty terrific, in fact, he's the best boss I've ever had. I really do hope I get to work with/for him on future projects. My colleagues are pretty cool too, and I daresay I've made a few friends. It's weird; I was in my previous company/team for 4 years, and while we got along alright, I never really clicked with any of them, and didn't make any close friends. Here, I've clicked with quite a few people, and there are people I will definitely keep in touch with after this project comes to a close.

The work itself is challenging, without being impossible. I feel validated, and I know I'm doing a good job. Not perfect, still room for improvement, but I daresay I've impressed a few people.
As Doof put it though, these people might just think I'm some kind of fembot!

Went on my first worktrip a couple weeks ago, to Manila. It was my first work trip, and the first event that I was in organising. So far, it's always been someone else in charge, and I provided support. This time, other people were supporting me, and I was in charge. A terrific amount of responsibility, and I could never have done it without such great support from my colleagues!
A bit of a hiccup, what with the typhoon and the floods, which was a huge spanner in the works, but somehow or other, it all worked out great. The wet weather didn't even put a damper on my spirits (hehe, see what I did there?); we were spending every evening drinking at the hotel bar.

Waking up on my birthday in a king-sized bed in a 5-star hotel. It was pretty lovely, I'll tell you that! And Boss and the Lads (greatest boy band ever) gave me a wonderfully memorable birthday, complete with much inebriation!

The really bad thing about it was that a colleague suffered a stroke while he was there, so that was rather worrying. Thankfully, the logistics were sorted out, and he managed to return to Singapore after a week. He's shown incredible progress in the past three weeks...a simple stroke isn't keeping the stubborn bastard down! This colleague is great, and I really miss him and his loud jokes in the office. Hopefully, he'll be able to return to bother us all again soon.

So much more has been happening, hanging out with family and friends....Neal turned 6 (SIX! OMG!) last month. Godson is a lovely little cheeky chubbawubbs. And the rest of the kids...oh, they are just perfect.

I've rambled on enough, mostly about work, and right now, I have a cider to finish up. :D

Life is good, man. Life is good.

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