
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A whole year without blogging!

Almost a year since I've written in this thing, and what an amazing year it's been!

So much has happened, so much awesome has happened, and I just don't know where to start. But I'll do my best to round up the past year.

Urgh. I really gotta get moving on those assignments. I didn't even have that old excuse to fall back on...

My last project came to a close at the end of October, and I decided to take a break for a couple months, mostly to relax and enjoy Christmas. Well, two months turned into seven...that's right, folks, seven months without a job. Thankfully, I had enough savings to last, plus enjoy a few perks here and there. And to be fair to myself, I was keeping busy with other things too.

I started at a new position a couple weeks ago, and so far, it's been really good. It's a short-term contract - only about 6 to 9 months, but hey, it gives me time to network and make new contacts, and to find a longer-term contract, should I decide to continue working after this.

I've been tutoring as well, on a semi-voluntary basis. 'O' Level English, which I haven't taught in years! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy teaching at this level.

Another really exciting thing that has come up on the workfront, is that I've jumped into a travel company, and it's growing rapidly, and I get to travel and make new friends, and I've been having a blast with it! Of course, it's a lot of work, but if I put in enough effort now, it will definitely pay off later. Speaking of...

Went to Taipei to visit Neko last November. Was there from...Thursday to Sunday (no, I can't recall the dates now, haha, but I'm sure I could look them up if I really wanted to), so it was a lovely long weekend. I'd bought this great red trench coat, that I simply loved, so I brought it along with me.
On Thursday, it was far too hot to wear a coat. On Friday, it was far too hot to wear a coat. On Saturday, I thought what the hell, it's like Singapore...far too hot to wear a coat.

It rained Sunday, and I was so happy that I was able to wear my coat. I love it! I might just wear that, my red fedora and my black boots. And black sunglasses. Carmen Sandiego cosplay, hehe.

Also went to Phuket last month with a couple of newfound friends, spent a long weekend there, right before I started at this new job. Was great to get away, if only for a weekend.

Planning to go to Khao Lak at the end of October. Was considering Bali in December with a few others, but  it's also rather close to Christmas, so I might have to KIV that for now.

Looking at Greece and Spain next year, and potentially London again. Depending on where my whims and fancies take me, I might just do Canada/US. Well, energy and time permitting, of course!

Partly because of all the travelling I've done/will be doing, I've improved on that little aspect of my life...

Friends & Relationships
I've made new friends, some closer than others, of course, and strengthened bonds with the old. I don't see my friends as often as I used to, or as often as I'd like, but time spent connecting with them is never ever time wasted. I'm so very blessed to have these friendships in my life. Making the decision to let go of toxic relationships has been one of the best things I've done for myself.

which brings me to the most important thing of all...

Sis!S had her third boy last November. Lovely little boy, such a little angel he is. Unlike the two scamps who preceded him, Cola (no, not his real name) is just such a good baby, and doesn't give his mum any trouble at all.

During my seven-month break, I got to see the three boys at least once a week, and had such fun. Now that I've gone back to work, I miss them dreadfully. It's so lovely to see the three of them interact. Neal is the patient big 'bubba', who really takes care of the younger ones. Cola is the little angel. And Godson is the rascal middle child who walks over his older brother (sometimes literally!) and roughhouses with 'his baby'. Because, you know, at the grand old age of 2 years, he thinks that he himself isn't a baby any more. Godson is talking so much these days, and it's such a joy to listen to him. Both he and Neal are growing smarter and sassier each day, and Cola is babbling a lot. Well, my theory is that he's actually telling us important baby stuff, but none of us can understand him yet. All three of them are such sweethearts.

Nix is taking her 'O' Levels this year, and she's been studying so very hard for it.
She and Shay are really close, and again, so very heartwarming. Haven't seen very much of both of them, partly because they live all the way at the other end of the country, and they've all been busy with school/work. It's always good to see them though.

Bro is doing well at his job too; he seems to enjoy it and is good at it. He's been given more responsibility, and the couple times I met his colleagues/superiors, they are full of praise for him. We don't spend very much time with each other, but whatever time we do have as a family is very much treasured. Quality over quantity!

An Aunt (who is actually an old family friend and my mum's good friend, but is so grandmotherly to all of us) got a bout of bad news earlier this year. Doctor reports that she has the big C, and she doesn't have very long left. Bless her, she's taking it a day at a time, and each day is a blessing. She's such a wonderful person, and it sucks more than I could possibly express. Nothing I can do at this juncture, except to pray. And speaking of prayer and...

Spiritual and Personal Growth
I like to think I've gotten stronger in my spirituality. I have a deeper relationship with God, and I've started going to Novena. I'm a lot more comfortable attending Novena than I am regular Mass, so I'm just going to stick with that for now.

I wanted to go for Journey in September (I think it's September), but decided not to, as it'd be an entire week out of my schedule, and I decided to just go for Journey next year. Besides, this year's Journey is in Phuket, so I might as well wait for next year's; hopefully it'll be somewhere different!

Have signed up for the Landmark Forum this October, and I'm really looking forward to it. I reconnected with PH because of that, and I'd forgotten how easy it is to talk to him. I'm looking forward to catching up with him again soon.

And for any of my readers who felt that this entire post is just


My life is awesome. Enough said. XD

1 comment:

Kleppy said...

Starting from Oct, I would have a place to stay in Scotland if I were to visit.. XD