
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Knocked Up

Had quite a bizarre exchange with a girl from another department today. She comes to my office to hand me some documents, when the following ensues.

She: Hey, you're pregnant, right?
Me: ....No.
She:'re pregnant!
Me: No. I'm not.
She: Are you sure?
Me: *thinks: Am I sure?*
Me: I'm not pregnant. I'm fat.
She: Why? You eat a lot is it?

Me: ....ok, you're being rude and I don't want to talk to you.

Clearly, I need to go on a diet. Thing is, I'm not sure if she's just daft or rude (or both!), but that was such an odd conversation for so many reasons. Who goes around telling people they're pregnant? Why would you ask if they're sure? What if I really were up the duff and wanted to keep it on the down low? And why, for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, would you keep shooting your mouth off after you've put your foot in it?

I think I'm surrounded by very strange people. But...if I perceive everyone else to be strange, doesn't that make ME the strange one? Well, if that's the case, I revel in my strangeness.

My fat and very unpregnant strangeness.

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