
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Food & Sleep. Too Much of Both.

I'm glad this past weekend was a long one. Well, technically, I didn't get a long weekend, seeing as how I was in the office all day Saturday. Still, I had Monday off, which worked out really well.

On Sunday, we went to see a play by We Colour People, which is a non-profit theatre society. They've staged an annual production since 2008, and I started attending them in 2009. I adored the past two productions, and was looking forward to this year's. It was called SABOsTAGE, an improv comedy which was pretty much Whose Line, only with a local flavour. Although I do feel that improv has a long way to go in Singapore, on the parts of both actors and audience, I quite enjoyed this production.

After that, we adjourned to Newton Circus for Singaporeans' favourite hobby (well, after shopping and complaining, of course). Foodage! And oh my gosh, there was so much foodage. As is the case whenever BIL!S is around! His motto: "Don't think; just eat". And eat we did.

Barbecued chicken wings, oyster omelette aka or luak, barbecued stingray with lots of sambal, fried squid, mantou, which were lovely when dipped in the lala (clam) gravy, all washed down with sugarcane juice. Oh, and I think there were vegetables too, of which I didn't touch.

We were all stuffed! And we couldn't even think of dessert. Until the table was cleared. My family, being the OCD sufferers that we are, had to get the table cleared before we could relax. After that, all of a sudden, all of us had room for dessert! BIL!Mike and I shared a bottle of really, really cold beer, and there were bowls of ice kachang all round.

Good food, great conversation, excellent company. What a perfect way to spend a Sunday!

Finally got home about 1, where I vegged out on the couch while putering. Staggered upstairs to bed about half 3 in the am. Thank goodness Babygirl let me sleep in yesterday!

Wouldn't have made much of a different if I hadn't slept in.... instead of going to IKEA as previously planned, I ended up napping all afternoon, catching up on some much needed Zs.

Not sure how I managed to get to sleep last night, after having slept so much in the day, but I did sleep well. And woke up bright and early this morning for work. Got to the office at 7!

Of I'm started to get tired again...

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