
Friday, June 17, 2011

Down Memory Lane

You know... It wasn’t all just food food food on Tuesday. There were other activities involved, believe it or not! 

After lunch, we walked down to the National Museum. Well, most of it was a stroll, but there were a couple of quick sprints when Shay and I competed in footraces. I won both times! It would have been quite embarrassing indeed to lose to a 9-year-old. I did, however, slow down slightly towards the end, so it looked like a tie. It would probably have been just as embarrassing for Shay to lose to a girl! I have to admit though, he is pretty fast. I’m giving him a year, tops, before he outruns me. As it is, my niece provides fierce competition at arm wrestling!

The museum was lovely as always. It’s funny. No matter how many times I go, there’s always something that holds my attention. Seeing as how it was a weekday, it was lovely and empty! Except that there was some sort of private function in the evening, which meant that we couldn’t go under the swinging chandeliers. For some reason, I’m fascinated with them!

There was a section where they had newspapers from the 1930s. Vee and I sat down to read them for a bit. The articles were interesting, the advertisements were brilliant, but what amused me tremendously was the “Women’s Corner” in the paper. I wish I’d taken pictures! They had all sorts of useful information for women, such as… the type of women that men will want to marry, how to keep your husband happy…it was like reading Cosmo! They captured Vee's attention for longer though. ADD-girl got tired of squinting at the fine print in the dim light!

Seriously, I do so love museums. Even though I did get somewhat bored after a while, and just started wandering aimlessly, there’s something about the quiet and the calm, and the sheer history of it all that gets to me. It’s just awe-inspiring, really.

What was also pretty damn awe-inspiring was seeing Mum walk a tremendous distance yesterday, and negotiate pedestrian crossings so steadily. I'm so unspeakably proud of her.

Had such a wonderful day out with the family. Isn't life just grand?

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