
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Repent! The End Is Nigh!

In the past three nights alone, I've dreamt of zombies, the apocalypse and someone putting explosives in my house. In that order.

I can't remember, but what I do recall:

Exactly what it says on the tin. Similar looking to the Infected in I Am Legend, most of these zombies were lying at the bottom of a pool, seemingly asleep.

Side note: water in my dreams tend to reflect my general state of mind. In this case, it was calm...but full of undead people. Hmm.

Anyway. I was part of a volunteer group to kill zombies. I remember walking across a bridge, looking down at all the zombies at the bottom of the pool. At one point, there was a human who had been trapped somehow, and managed to escape via a tunnel that was under the pool. But by swimming towards his escape, he awakened the sleeping Undead, who then started to crawl and claw their way up and out. As soon as they broke the surface, one of us volunteers would shoot it.

And that's all I remember.

The Apocalypse
Well, I don't know what else to call it. I was in a deserted suburban area. I was with a group of survivors, and scenes alternated between running for our lives, and hiding out in a makeshift shelter.

I recall that there was fire and explosions, and I felt that something was perpetually coming after us.
Another huge worry we had was dissension among ourselves; there were a few arguments.
Oh, and I was worried that my phone was dying, and I didn't have a charger for it.

In my defense, if I needed advice on how to survive the apocalypse...well, there's prolly an app for that!

The Explosives in the Empty House
This one was really strange. Even though I had two strange and vivid dreams two nights consecutively, I found this the oddest of all. And perhaps that's what's really odd. But anyway.

My POV started off as that of a bloke, breaking it off with his (my) girlfriend. And then I switched over the girl's POV.

I remember there was a small lawn, and a car in the driveway. Why is it that I often live in the suburbs in my dreams? But anyway. The house was a crime scene, and police were leaving. As I walked through the front door, I focused on bits of grass and dirt on the carpet. You know how in Psych, Shawn Spencer focuses on a clue that lights up? Well, that's what happened. I leave it, and continue walking in. I walk through the house, and it's empty. It seems to be somewhere I lived with my (non-existent) boyfriend/husband, and he wasn't there.

I try pushing open the kitchen door, but it seems to be jammed. I don't notice it, but seeing as how it's MY dream, I'm also omniscient, therefore I know there's a rubber hose leading from the outside into the kitchen.

I walk away, and notice that there's a message on my answering machine. I hit play, and the message is for me. A bloke called Godfrey? Geoffrey? was reminding me that the show starts in five minutes. Omniscient me knew that it was an usher calling from the theatre. At this point, I'm slowly starting to lucid-dream, and I'm lucid enough to realise how silly that phone call was.

That's when BabyGirl woke me up.

I went back to sleep, and managed to lucid-dream myself back to the same situation. I then realised that the kitchen was rigged to blow up the minute I (or anyone else, really) opened the door.

BabyGirl woke me up again, but it's a good thing I managed to fall asleep fast enough to call the police. Unfortunately, by that time I was a bit too awake to see the rest of the dream through, so I'm not sure what happened after.


For those of you who believe in dream interpretation, yes. You've probably interpreted correctly. And yes, the main recurring theme is...definitely something that's going on right now. I am facing a few challenges which I can and will overcome.

In the meantime, I embrace these challenges, especially if they make the nighttime so gripping and intriguing.

What exciting situation will I face tonight? It's time for me to go find out.

All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream
-- Edgar Allan Poe

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