
Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Cruellest Month

So begins the second quarter of the year. I didn't play any April Fools' pranks on anyone, nor did I have any played on me. And if any pranks had been played, I haven't figured it out yet.

The past three months have been...interesting, to say the least. I've reconnected with a couple of old friends, which is always great. Things have been happening in the lives of my friends, which have caused ripples in mine.

The good news first:
One of my girls gave birth to a wee lil' fella on the first of March. Another Rabbit boy in my life! He's simply gorgeous, I'm so happy for my girl, and I'm so looking forward to seeing the lil' fella grow up.

My sister's best friend gave birth at the beginning of the week, to a yet another gorgeous Rabbit boy! Entering the world at 3.925kg (that's 8.65 pounds, y'all!), he's a right whopper! What makes that amazing is that mother is TINY.

Plans for summer holiday are underway, and that's another thing that I'm really looking forward to. I can't wait to embrace my inner geek with the geeky side of touristing. I don't want to talk too much about it, because I'm afraid of jinxing it, but I'm really REALLY looking forward to the summer!

Alright, on to the bad.
One of my close friends was recently in a relationship wreck, and is now clawing her way out of the rubble. Knowing what's happened has made me so very angry and indignant; frankly I'm also quite disgusted. The strongest emotion though, is just of sorrow. I doubt she'll read this anytime soon, but when and if you do sweeties, you know I'll help in whatever way I can and know how to.

Her sorrows have dredged up a few memories about someone in my past; something similar happened to me, and I'm drawing on my own experiences to try to understand at least a fraction of what she's going through.

Two things I've realised as a result - one, that I'm no longer angry with TW. Somehow, when I wasn't looking, I just let go. I don't miss him any more, and now I'm genuinely happy for him and his current partner, and I truly want him to be happy. And two, that despite all the heartbreaks I see around me, I still have faith. I still believe in relationships, in the institution of marriage; I believe in love, that it conquers all.

I believe that everything will work out, and that one day, she too will have come out of her experiences scarred, but stronger and happier.

Enough with the angst! Let's move on to...the neutral news.
Nan's moved in with us for a while. That will take some getting used to, for all of us. I am, however, feeling the frustrations of the lack of space, and am seriously considering moving to my best mate's parents' flat, which is just down the road from mine. After all, best mate has moved out, and her old room is sitting empty! I've spoken to best mate, and she's cool with that. All I gotta do is ask her mother. I'm hoping she'll say yes.

It's not so much the personal space that I'm concerned about; I've learnt to sequester myself in the corners of my house, and surround myself with a bubble of peace (i.e. my earphones block out the family noise). It's mostly because I'll need a place to study and do my assignments, and right now, the Madhouse is just too mad for me to get any proper work done.

Which brings me to the next thing on my agenda: My baby bro's been enlisted for his National Service! He enters the army first week of May. It seems really weird to think of my baby bro (fine, he might be 21 - 22 in September - but he'll always be my baby bro, ok?!) in the army. So once he's gone, I'm going to commandeer his room, which has a great study area. He's a sweetheart though; he saw me doing my work in the family room, and he knows it's tough to study in the Madhouse, so he told me to use his desk any time I need to.

Studying/doing assignments is tough when you're working full-time though. Plus, I still work on Saturdays. The good thing is that my colleague and I worked out a deal, where instead of both of us coming in every Saturday for four hours, we'll come in on alternate Saturdays for eight. It's a drag, working a full day on Saturday, but it works out better for both of us. It saves on transport, plus we at least get an full weekend every fortnight. It also means that I'll actually be able to go out late on (alternate) Fridays! I might just start hitting the clubs again!


Wow, that was a long ramble from me! I think I'm just not fully awake yet, hence the rambling. Which reminds me...I still haven't had my coffee!

I'm going to rectify that now.

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