
Friday, December 10, 2010

Time's running out!

Gosh, it's such an awful rush this year. Of course, I say the same thing every year. But yes, I'm starting to panic because I haven't started my baking yet. I've declared this weekend to be baking weekend. I'll be baking all of Sunday, I reckon.

Also, I checked my spreadsheet again, and realised that I input data wrongly. Which means that instead of 53% of my shopping done, I've only done 31%!

So yes. I'm preparing to hit the button. Any day now...

In the meantime, some of you might be hearing the mysterious ticking noise getting louder. And may be considering the dreaded regift. And at some point, all of us receive gifts that we have no use for, and will keep for future regifting. Either way, there are rules that simply must be followed.

  • Keep the gift in its original packaging. This is a must! And make sure all the parts and accessories, including the manuals are in the box.
  • Protect the gift and packaging from breakage and deterioration while it is being stored. 
  • Never regift something broken, used, has a part missing or doesn't work.
  • Never regift just to save money.
  • Never regift to the person who gave it to you.
  • Never regift something personal.
  • Never regift an item that is out of style.
  • Give a gift that suits the receiver or that they'd love to get.
  • If you find it hard to regift, it won't feel like you're regifting if you simply pass it on to someone who will enjoy it - not as a gift, but just because you know they can make use of it.
  • Donate it to a charitable organisation, a nursing home, or a children's home.

'Tis the season to give; enjoy it!

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