
Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Days Hath November

And so it begins. 30 days of writing. As much as I'd love to do National Novel Writing Month, aka Nanowrimo, I highly doubt I'll have the time, the energy or the inclination. I haven't written in so long, my quill and parchment have disintegrated. However, I fully intend to participate in Nano one year. In the meantime, I'm taking part in Write Something you Miserable F**ks, the writing community for miserable f**ks like myself, who are too busy and/or lazy to do Nano. Write for at least 10 minutes every day? Easier said than done, but do it I shall.

And what better way to bring in the month of November than to share interesting reads? I've been meaning to blog about articles and videos that I've enjoyed, but just never got round to it. So to start off Wriso (and to clear up my bookmarks bar), here goes.

It's the first of November, which means it's All Saints' Day. Which means that yesterday was All Hallows' Eve. Also known as Halloween. For those of you who went trick-or-treating, well, now you know what kind of wine to pair with your candy.

Is candy evil, though? Yes, but evil has never tasted so good.

If you don't really have a sweet tooth, but love dressing up anyway, I hope you didn't wear one of the 35 most insane Halloween costumes from around the world, or worse, dress up your kid in a psychologically traumatising costume.

And now for something completely different...(or perhaps not all that different).

I'm no geek, but I've always hated Internet Explorer. I use Chrome now, and really, there's no turning back. And now, How To Geek Explains: Why Do So Many Geeks Hate Internet Explorer?

On another geeky note, it's no secret that I'm a huge fan of BBC's Sherlock. Haven't watched it? No matter. Here's the first episode, in poem form. That's right, a Sherlockian verse! In two parts. (Warning: spoilers)

He was elected President of the United States; he wasn't elected Jesus. If you, too, are sick and tired of of people asking "What has Obama done?", have a look at a list of things he's done since he's been in office.

On a somewhat related topic, you may or may not have heard of the Rally to Restore Sanity. Here's a look at the Rally's 100 Best Signs.

I'm sure you've heard by now that Paul the Octopus has died. Bet he never saw it coming. Question is, grilled or fried?

Speaking of psychic powers, here are a few more (ten, to be precise) strange things your mind can do.
(Be warned, there are loads of links on that site. Prepare to lose lots of time on a wikiwalk)

I wonder if any of my fellow iPhone users would like this "umbilical" charger. I suppose that's one way to stop my colleagues from borrowing my charger.

If you've read this far, and actually followed some of those links, it's clear that you have time to spare, so spare ten more minutes to watch this video.
If you haven't followed any of the links, well, spend ten minutes on this video anyway. An awesome awesome  stop motion video on "an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life...and how it could probably end".

So awesome, I'm not going to merely link to it; I'm putting it right here.

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

I have more links, but I've spent more than ten minutes on this post. So that totally counts. Also, my connection is really slow right now (hello, peak hour!) so I'm going to attempt to post this.

And so ends Day 1.


Kleppy said...

such a cheapskate!
a post filled with links!!!!

Ki said...

I said it in chat, and I'm saying it here.
20 minutes of typing and c/ping links....hours of fun for you!

Much better than a 10 minute boring blog post, no?

(I have mad c/p skillz, yo.)