
Friday, October 29, 2010

Blogging Twitter-Style

So busy lately. No time to blog properly. Have loads of unfinished drafts.


I've started thinking in a rather English accent, after overdosing on Sherlock and The Inbetweeners. My head voice now sounds like a cross between Will and Simon. And just a wee bit of Neil and Jay.


Which also means that my head voice shouts strange things at me. Such as "Briefcase mong!", "Tw*t!" and "Morning, benders!"


I do hope Head Voice doesn't choose to become External Voice. Especially not at work.


I do enjoy it when Head Voice decides to sound like Sherlock or John. Sometimes it even chooses Mrs. Hudson or Sally to mimic. Never sounds like Lestrade, though. Or heaven forbid, Anderson.


I probably sound quite mental. I assure you, I am quite sane. Relatively speaking. (That is to say, I am saner than my relatives.)


One hour has passed since I typed that last bit.


And now it's lunch time. I skipped breakfast this morning, so I'm ravenous now.


Right then. I've got my food, so I can actually blog now. Of course, I've forgotten what it was I wanted to blog about in the first place.


This is actually quite pointless. I have nothing to blog about. I've been doing nothing exciting lately, save for work.


Work isn't exciting, actually. Plus people annoy me. But I enjoy it immensely. What does that say about me, exactly?


Cousin's wedding this Sunday. I just realised that with the exception of Lil Sis, I am the only one of my generation on my mum's side who is single.


I was panicking yesterday because my hard disk drive wasn't reading at all. Until I had the brilliant idea to switch up the cables, and then it worked, as if by magic.


Yes, I believe in magic. Especially the omg-it-works variety.


Still, it would be a good idea to get a new one. Just in cases. I've been eyeing the 1 or 2 tb drives for ages. Because omg so much space.


Why is "eyeing" being picked up as a misspelling? I'm leaving it. It looks correct to me.


I really wish my friends watched the same shows I do. It's no fun making tv/movie references that nobody at all gets.


I quoted Love, Actually in this post. And Sherlock in my last post. Did you get it? Did you get it? NO.


Hate it when people talk to me, especially about work, when I'm on my lunch break. I'M ON BREAK, YOU BLOODY WANKERS!


And now this blog is no longer child-friendly. So much for my censoring efforts.

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