
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Yesterday I'd decided to buy a new pair of shoes today. Bella was banging on about needing new shoe racks, and I was pretty much of the opinion that new shoes are enough - shoe racks can be fashioned out of the shoe boxes themselves.

That started me thinking about a new pair of shoes.

So I decided to wander JP after work and see if I could find anything decent and, here's the challenging bit, in my size.

It's a curse to have feet as large as mine. Not only does one have to put up with names like 'Bigfoot', shoe-shopping can be the most frustrating, heartbreaking, agonising, tear-inducing activity in the world. Finding a great pair of shoes in my size? Mission: Damn near impossible.

So I wasn't really hoping for much when I set out on my expedition. Wandered in and out of shops, nothing really catching my eye.

Then I walked into one shop, and something did capture my attention. Dark red (some might say it's more maroon), a good heel...Unfortunately, with that range of shoes, they only carry sizes up to one smaller than mine. As I was looking longingly at the shoe, I decided to try it on.

Lo! And behold! It fit. Oh alright, it's perhaps ever-so-slightly snug, and since I'd been wearing trainers all day, my feet hadn't swelled as much as they would in killer heels. But these weren't killer heels, and they were so pretty, and they were going for a decent price too. I was debating with myself on whether to get them or not, when salesgirl delivered The Line.

"That's our last pair."

I believe in fate. And if I find a shoe that looks good, is affordable, is IN MY SIZE...I should get it. If it's the very last pair...well, then it was meant to be. So I finally have that pair of dark red heels I've been looking for.

And I got the same pair in beige too.

Hey, if the shoe it!

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