
Monday, May 4, 2009

Creatures of Habit

On my 21st birthday, Sof gave me a little silver cross with a diamond, on a silver chain. I've worn it ever since, taking it off only when I want to wear a different necklace.

I usually absent-mindedly play with the cross with my left hand, when I'm thinking, or reading, or chilling out, or even when I'm walking.

Yesterday, I decided to wear a different necklace with the matching earrings. It all looked very nice.

But I forgot to put on my cross again.

Today, I keep reaching up to play with the cross, only to remember that it's not there.

It feels strange not to have my cross.

I didn't put on my rings again either, after I took them off to clean the bathroom. It feels strange not to have my rings on, but stranger still without my cross. Almost...empty, somehow.

I know it's not there...but I keep reaching for it nonetheless.

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