
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pulling teeth is like...well, pulling teeth

I'd just managed to get over my fear of the dentist back in January, just long enough to get my teeth checked and cleaned. Dentist tapped my wisdom tooth and said that I might want to get that extracted at some point, because it'll probably give me trouble.

I nodded dutifully, went back to reception and made another appointment for April 24 - just for another checkup. And possibly whitening treatment.

My wisdom tooth started giving me trouble. Not only have my wisdom teeth been pushing my lower teeth together (oh noes! teeth getting crooked!), they've been pressing on the gums at the back, creating swelling. My last remaining wisdom tooth did the same thing.

Decided to swing by the dental clinic on my way for tutoring to try to get an appointment for later in the week...but alas! They're fully booked.

But wait! They had a slot "Right NOW!" So I said ok, screwed my courage to the sticking place and walked in.

Just lying there in that chair gives me the creeps.

Getting jabbed with anaesthesia? NOT. FUN. (Gotta admit though - it was a LOT less painful than the one I got from my previous dentist.)

I hate how badly I react to anaesthetic - I started shaking uncontrollably, and had to focus to keep myself from shaking even more out of fear.

The worst part? During extraction, MY TOOTH BROKE. And I heard it! It went CRAAAACCCKK! In my mouth! Yes, I was terrified.

Thank goodness for dentists who are patient and reassuring.

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