
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Bible - New Kids' Version

My nephew just turned 7 a couple weeks ago.

A while back, he asked my sis (his mother) a very important and philosophical question.

Nephew: Mum, is Jesus very sad?
Sis : Hmm. Well, he does get sad when you do bad things.
Nephew: No, I mean is he very sad; does he cry all the time?
Sis : ....No.
Nephew: Then why do we say my Lord Jesus cries?


Yesterday, another question was asked.

Nephew: Mum, do you know the meaning of the word 'pussified'?
Sis :....WHAT?!?
Nephew: Don't you know? Jesus was pussified on the cross...

1 comment:

bunnygoeszen said...

I'm so duh. Read this (a couple of days ago and only got round to commenting now. Lol) and thought, "Woah, your nephew knows abt stigmata?" Took me several re-reads to get it. LOL.