
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I can has sleep?

I'm just tired. Somewhat drained emotionally, but that's most likely linked to the fact that I'm physically drained.

I need sleep.

But by the looks of things, I'll get to bed about half 12 tonight. Which, come to think of it, is early for me. 5 1/2 hours of sleep? Sounds good to me!

Today, I was grateful that it rained in the afternoon, but stopped before I left the office. That way, it was nice and cool for me to walk home from the train station.

Today's happy moments:
- getting to work early. Well, slightly early

- Homemade gingerbread. It was made of win. Must ask for recipe

- walking home with my ipod

- welcoming hugs from sis when I got home

- bimbo giggling with Bunny

- playing with baby Nate, even if it was only for a few minutes

- realising that I ate C-foods for all my meals today. Breakfast: Cheese sandwich; Lunch: Cup noodles; Dinner: Curry
This after I had C-foods for a snack last night: Cheese and Cereal. No, not together; I just ate a slice of cheese while deciding which cereal to eat.

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