
Sunday, February 1, 2009

I am so glad we have good hospitals

Mum is in the hospital. The current diagnosis is a pinched nerve. Doesn't sound like something serious, but from the tiny bit of research I did, it can be quite serious indeed. Pain, numbness, paraesthesia/paralysis - some of the symptoms that mum has. She was admitted today, and my heart broke to see her frightened and helpless; she couldn't move her left side at all. My mum is the strongest person I've ever known, and I can only recall seeing her break down twice. To see her so frightened was...not something I enjoyed at all.

Quite frankly, I'm scared. I refuse to show fear in front of my dad and younger sis and bro. I could really use a hug right now though. I want someone to hold me and let me cry on their shoulder and tell me that it's all going to be ok, that Mum's going to be just fine.

I want my mum. I want to hear the telly downstairs, and know that Mum's watching it. I want to open my room door and see the flicker of the computer monitor. I've taken my mum so much for granted; don't we all just assume our parents are always going to be there to take care of things?

I hope and pray that my mum's going to be a-ok. She's amazing. Through her pain and her fear, she was worried about my sis, about how she's going to fare. It's time for me to step up to the plate, and ease at least one of her worries.

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful for the advances in the medical field, for those in the medical profession for their services. It is because of them that I am optimistic about Mum's full recovery.

Noting down today's happy moments is rather difficult right now, because I've been worried the whole day, more than I've let on. But happiness comes in the simplest things, so upon further reflection, I now know

Happy Moments of Today:
- seeing baby Nate leaning out of his pram to look at me, and to smile and wave

- Calis hugging me

- realising that Calis has trust and faith in me

- making silly mistakes and having Calis laugh at me

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