
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Being Lazy to Update

Haven't been updating for the past couple days; been extremely distracted with D&J episodes. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I'm done with Seasons 1 to 4. Now...I don't know what to do. I might just read a book.

But I did say I'll write down a thanksgiving and my happy moments every day, so...I'll lump it all in here.

Friday 30 January 2009
Happy Moments:
- waking up to find Season 4 of D&J in

- lunching at Jurong Country Club with the whole team

- cake AND ice cream for dessert!

- overcoming my fear of dentists to finally visit the dentists

- discovering a new dentist who's so much better than my previous one

I am thankful that I have friends who can make me smile and feel better even when I'm feeling really low.

Saturday 31 January 2009
Happy Moments:
- laughing and joking with Calis in the morning

- waking up when the sun was streaming in

- having the whole afternoon to myself

- having the family come home in the evening

- laughing and joking with Calis before bed

- staying up late watching D&J episodes back to back

N.B.: I actually wrote out this post on Sunday morning...but changed the date on it. It looks nicer that way, having January's entries actually dated as January.

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