
Friday, January 9, 2009

My laptop is no more

It has ceased to be; it is an ex-laptop.

Couldn't turn on my laptop at all. Looks like I'll be getting a new one soon. At least I'm not completely bereft of technological devices.

I missed writing it down on Wednesday:
I am thankful for my colleagues, who make worklife so much easier and so much more fun.
I heard yesterday that a good friend was RIF'd, and's not completely surprising, given the state of the economy right now, but it still sucks for him. And I am thankful that I have a job.

Didn't go shopping yesterday after all. No, nothing to do with saving money. I stayed in the office until about half 7. Wasn't alone - both the other girls were with me. And we had an interesting and amusing conversation about men. Mostly about what physical attributes we find attractive in men. Topics included height, build, hairy chests and big...hands.

I did have a really bad moment at home. I know it had been building for a while, but I was so full of positive energy that the negative didn't have much room. Last night was probably a mixture of being tired and hungry. Yesterday being Elvis Presley's birthday, there were loads of his songs being played; when Always On My Mind came on, I just started feeling really really sad, and I broke down.

I was almost tempted to call him, but only almost. Thought of calling/texting Bunny; decided to just go have a smoke and a shower instead. Came out of the shower to discover that Bunny had texted me. :D

I cried my eyes out last night for a few minutes, and I am glad. For I know that it just means that I still feel. There was a bit of anger, but it's starting to fade, and the bitterness comes and goes...and it's going. Slowly...but it's going.
I'm slowly but surely processing everything, and moving on.

So yesterday's thanksgiving is:
I am thankful that I still feel sad and that I cry. I am thankful that I haven't lost who I am, that I'm still me, that I still care.

I've been really sleepy this week. And I've drunk more Red Bull than I usually do. 3 cans this week already! And a fourth waiting for me in the fridge.
I need to play sleep-catchup soon.

But first, work.

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