
Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's just getting better and better

Again, another uneventful day at work...but oh what a wonderful evening!

Started tutoring again; today was my first lesson. I was recommended by Jan; my new student's mum is her friend. Lovely woman, and beautiful children.
I'll be teaching Maths! As in...Mathematics! As in...numbers!
Now, before you start complaining to the authorities, never fear. She's in Primary 3. That? I can handle.

Student's place is right next to Sof's school (in fact, the girl is a student at Sof's school). How cool is that? I'll be able to see Sof every week, if we're both up for it!

I did manage to see Sof for a few minutes today, just before my lesson. I'd thought of having dinner with her after the lesson, but she's not feeling well. Touch of the that going around? Start dosing yourselves with zinc and Vit C!

Well, my first choice for dinner-partner was Sof, but since she wasn't up for it, I texted my next choice: SK.
Who just happened to be free for a couple hours!
He picked me up after class, and we went to Holland V for dinner. First time ever I ate at Foster's! I've walked past the restaurant dozens of times, and always thought that it looked really chilled out. Never got to check it out, until tonight. Good food! I had the oxtail stew, and it tasted tasted like home. So much flavour to it, the meat was succulent and oh so juicy....*slurp*

Pretty good wine too! And the service? I have to give them an A for service. And I rarely ever award even a B for service, because I'm just an absolute stickler for good service. Here? Excellent service.

Will I go back? Absolutely!

It's just so strange, and yet so right, how comfortable I feel with SK. It's been a while since I just clicked with someone like that.
He insisted on paying for dinner, which was just so sweet of him. I asked him out; I was fully prepared to pay for the evening, but he wouldn't hear of it.

It's just a shame he had to meet with clients after, so we had to end our evening early-ish.

As Bunny said, it's been so long since I've been treated well, that it's just a wonderful feeling now. This floored me:
We ordered escargot - I love those little snails. I just can't stand seeing them in the shell, and these were the shell! And bless him, he shelled them for me.
He picked me up after class, and didn't complain about having to wait (class ran over a bit, especially because I wanted to discuss a few things with student's mum).
He insisted on paying for dinner.
He couldn't send me home, and apologised for that. I didn't mind a bit; I didn't expect him to, and it's so sweet that he would have. (Did I mention that he sent me home in a cab last Saturday, even though it's out of his way, and he wouldn't accept any money from me? Well, if I didn't earlier, I have now!)
He walked me to the taxi stand, and waited until my taxi arrived.
He waited until the taxi pulled away, and he waved goodbye.

To some of you (read: Bunny), this is nothing special. To me? To me it's amazing. Is this what I've been missing for four years? Is this what I willingly sacrificed?

I felt special. More importantly, I felt respected. And it's been so long that I've gone out with a bloke who gives me that.

It's strange. I barely know him, and yet, he's become a friend.

Today I give thanks for my friends, old and new.

I've known Sof and Bunny for almost all my life (21 years!) and Tink and Teh Tarik for more than half of my life. They're my oldest friends (in years we've been friends, not age!) and they all give me so much in their own way. I've been acquainted with SK for a few weeks now, and have only started to get to know him, and he makes me happy. The Leprechaun...I've known him what...7? 8? years...and the bond between us has just gotten stronger over the years.

I am so grateful to have such beautiful people in my life, and I am honoured that they want me in theirs.

Happy moments of the day:
- hanging out with Sof, albeit for only a few minutes.

- starting to tutor again. My student, Kay, really enjoyed herself, and she's eager to learn. Granted, I hide my lessons behind fun and games, but she's so open and sociable, and her younger brothers are just darling.

- discovering that Kay's mum is really cool. True, she's Jan's friend, so how bad could she be? But it's always a relief to know that my student's parent trusts me with their child.

- Dinner at Foster's. Oxtail stew, mashed potatoes, broccoli and red wine. All things I love.

- Hanging out with SK and talking about...everything and nothing all at once.

- realising that I was treated with respect, feeling my own self-respect go up, realising that I deserve to be treated as such.

- listening to love songs on Class 95 on my way home.

- coming home, to a welcome and a kiss from Calis.

I'm still so in love with life. And now, perhaps for the first time in my life, I'm starting to fall in love with me.

Because I'm worthy of being loved.

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