
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beautiful Sunday

What a wonderful way to close a weekend.

Slept in today, yet again. How glorious it is to wake up with the sun streaming in! Had to hurry quite a bit; I hadn't planned to sleep until so late!
Was going to see the play Rainbow's Ending by We Colour People Theatre; had tickets for the 3pm show. Obviously I had to rush!

Made it there early though, and met Sof shortly after. The play was a lot shorter than I'd thought it would be, so we were out of there a lot earlier than expected. Strolled down to Raffles City and wandered the mall for a bit. We were starving; neither of us had eaten, but we had dinner reservations for 6pm, so didn't want to sit down for a meal. Ended up getting donuts.

There was a sign at the counter that said "If we don't give you a receipt, you get a free glazed donut on the spot". Well...I didn't get a receipt! So I got a free glazed donut! Cheap thrills man, cheap thrills!

Made our way over to UE square, where we worked on Sof's school play for a bit. The poor child, she gets to be in charge of her school play, and she needs to write the script. Of course, she enlists the help of her old partner-in-crime, who's only too willing to oblige.

It's always been great working with Sof. She and I are on the same wavelength most of the time, and I love how being with her means that I'm kept on my toes and yet I can just chillax and by myself all at the same time.

Buffet dinner at Minori! Slightly over $30 a head, and so many items on their menu! Wow, we ate so much that we practically staggered out of there. Their California handrolls are lovely! And...other stuff was pretty damn good too!

We decided to hang out at Starbucks after that, to get some work done on that play.
Sad to say, we didn't get as far as we'd have liked, but we did make some progress.
Of course, me being the pig that I am, just couldn't resist having a slice of cake.

Today's Thanksgiving:
I am thankful that it was a simply gorgeous day out today. We would not have been able to stroll about like we did had it been raining.

Happy Moments of the Day:
- Waking up and discovering I've been sms-spammed via email

- hanging out with Sof

- seeing my bro walk out on stage to put down props and feeling a burst of pride for him

- free donut!

- Japanese food

- cheesecake

- great Sunday night music!

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