
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It’s embarrassing how much I’ve let this blog slide. It’s partly because I’ve been so caught up with life, and partly because when I’m not caught up with life, I’m just incredibly lazy.

Let’s fast forward through the details to where I am right now, shall we?

Ah, we’re grand. BabyGirl is just so amazing, and she makes me laugh every single day. I think the best time of the day is when I get to cuddle her at bedtime. Of course, that might be just because it means I get to go to bed soon after too (see above re: being lazy).

I’m so incredibly proud of The Niece. She’s completed her GCE A’s, and she’s about to embark on her University journey. She’s worked so hard the last couple years, and she’s accomplished so much. I do miss the little girl she used to be, but I adore and am so proud of the young woman she’s become.

The Nephews are brilliant too. The oldest one is now taller than me! He simply towers over everyone, and he still hasn’t stopped growing! And the three monkeys are just…well, they’re a handful and a half, but oh, how I enjoy having them around! They’re all really intelligent and charming in their own ways. I know that as Fun Aunt, I don’t play favourites, but I confess to being partial to Godson. 

Partly because he’s Godson, obviously! But also because he’s the one who enjoys hanging out with me the most, he’s the one who’s most generous with his cuddles and kisses. They’re all such wonderful individuals, each smart and hilarious in their own ways, and I’m having a ball watching them grow and learn.

It’s a shame that I don’t get to see my friends as often as I’d like. Damn you, life! But the great thing about the friendships I have is that neither time nor distance can drive a wedge between us. And what time we do get to spend together is pure quality.

Bella and Misstsy are amazing. Earlier this year when I was going through a really rough patch, all it took was one text, and they were rushing to the rescue.

Teh-Tarik is getting married! Well, she’s not having a wedding, she’s having a solemnisation. But really, same difference, no? I’m so very glad for her and D; to see them come this far is nothing short of wonderful.

I’m really excited about this year too – looks like I’ll be able to see both Nekowife and Doof! This makes me oh-so-happy, for I’ve missed them both more than I can express. Even though Neko and I chat nearly every day, it’s just not quite the same.

I don’t get to see Sof as often as I’d like, but as we joke, seeing each other once a year seems to be our quota! Went out with her a couple weeks back for brunch, and spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with her.

Shoes and Kay also need a shout-out in this section. Who could have predicted, all those years ago, when I started teaching Shoes’ daughter Kay, that seven years down the road, not only would Shoes become one of my closest friends, but also that I’d develop a really fun friendship and find a kindred geek-spirit in Kay? Not I, that’s for sure!

I can’t believe that I’ve been working here for almost two years now. Sometimes I still feel like a complete rookie, though! It’s nice when people tell me that I’m doing my job well, but most days, I just don’t believe it. Impostor syndrome? Perhaps. But I shall continue to keep my chin up and soldier on.

Plus, these days, in this industry...I'm really glad I still have a job! And one that I actually enjoy, with colleagues I actually like and with whom I enjoy hanging out? Even better!

School’s out for summer; school’s out forever! Well, at least for as long as I choose not to go back to formal education. My enrolment in the school of life, clearly continues.

Graduation is in July…but I've decided not to go. Don't think I want to take that much time off family and work commitments, plus, it’s hella expensive! Besides, not spending the money to fly all the way there just means that I’ll have more money to spend to see Doof and Neko…

Oh yeah, speaking of which, I passed! But…I’m not going to believe it until I’m actually holding that piece of paper in my hands…

I guess that's all for now...hopefully I'll remember to update this thing more often!
In the is pretty awesome. XD

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