
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Morning Mirth

Bro and I almost always head to work together, and split up only when I'm switching trains.
Sis!S lives really near us, but we've never gone to work together.

Today, Bro and I headed out as usual, but were running late. As we were sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the bus that brings us to the train station, Bro goes "Hey, Sis!S."
Sure enough, Sis!S was walking up as well, and turns out she was running late.

First thing she says to us? By far, the best 'stupid question' I've heard in a while.

Sis!S: Hi! Where are you going?
Bro & Me: ...where are we going?
Bro: The market, gonna do a bit of shopping...
Me: then the zoo...

Was lovely to go to work together, the three of us. It's been ages since we've hung out like that. Even though it wasn't really 'hanging out', seeing as how we were squashed together in the sardine can that is the train at peak hour. Still, it was a good catch up.

Sis!S registered Neal for Primary 1. PRIMARY SCHOOL. Baby boy Neal is growing up oh so quickly!
And Sis!S was relating some of the antics that the boys have gotten up to lately, and my gosh, what silly rascals they are. They're coming over later today; they love coming over, and have a weekly date with my mum. Shame that I won't see them, as I'll be back late after class. And I won't be spending much time with them, as they'll be spending time with their grandparents, who are up here for about a month, before going back to Australia. Ah well.

Ugh, I'm so hungry. I'm also really broke, so I gotta take it easy on spending. More than two weeks to payday...looks like I'll be packing lunches for a while! Or resorting to Cup Noodles...which, really, I don't overly mind.

In the meantime, I has my coffee, I'm a happy camper.

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