
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Personality Test Meme

Stolen from Neko, who stole it from some other blog.

1. List out your three favorite animals in order of preference, and why.
i. Lions
Born under the sign of the Lion, I feel an affinity to this great creature. I share many traits with the lion... for one thing, I love lazing around for hours! Some characteristics of the lion that I too possess - I'm protective. Sometimes to the point of being possessive! I'm willing to fight when necessary. I'm family-oriented (and oh so protective of my pride!), but am ultimately a loner and enjoy hanging out on my own. Also, I have a tattoo of the symbol of the Leo, which I'm quite attached to!

ii. Ospreys
I've always been in awe of the majestic eagle, soaring in the sky. I never knew a thing about ospreys, until a few weeks ago when Nekowife linked me to OspreyCam. We've been watching it since the babies were barely moving, to now when they're almost fully grown. They'll be taking first flight soon, and I dread the empty nest syndrome that's sure to follow!

iii. Pugs
My first pet was a pug, so I'm rather fond of it and its squished up little face. Just like me, they're loyal, good with kids, love family, love food, and have no nose to speak of. When I grow up, I'm going to get me another pug. (With my history of having such originality, I'll prolly end up calling it...Pug.)

2. After hiking for a long time, you reach a wall blocking your way; you can't turn around, but there isn't any other road. What would you do?
Me. Hiking. Proof that this personality test is rubbish! Me! Hiking! Ha!
Oh alright. On this hypothetical hike, if I should encounter this hypothetical wall, I would...take a break. Sit down, chill out, crack open a beer (because on hypothetical hikes, I always have hypothetical cold beers). I'd assess the situation, and figure out the next best course of action. I'll probably end up scaling the wall (because I'm hypothetically really good at that), or I'll look for a door (what? There could well be a door/gate in the wall!). If all else fails, I suppose I'll wait for another hiker to come along, to give me a boost over the wall.

3. What do you feel about the ocean?
Love it. I am oh so comfortable on the water (not necessarily IN the water!), which is likely due to me having sailed around the world with my family when I was a kid. (Dad was a marine engineer and he's sailed the seven seas.) 'Twas fun crossing the Indian Ocean during super choppy weather, and til now, I've never gotten seasick. I love crossing water! The ocean also plays a big part in my dreams; the state of the dream ocean reflects my current state of mind. I've always felt calmer after sitting by the sea. When I grow up, I'd like to live by the ocean. With Pug.

4. What do you feel about coffee?
CAWFEEEEEEE!!!!! My LIFEBLOOD. Seriously. It is the nectar of the gods, I tell you. If I don't have at least one cup of coffee a day, I get lack-of-coffee headaches.
Strangely enough, this usually only happens on workdays...if I'm lazing around all day...I can live without coffee. But for the most GIMME!

And now for the results...

1. The Animals you love and why.
These represent i. The impression you want to give people, ii. the impression you really give people, and iii. what you really are.

II. How you face death.

III. What you think about life.

IV. What you feel about sex.

Bwahhahahhaha! AWESOME!!!!!

1 comment:

Kleppy said...

this is definitely a lot more fun if don't look at what they represent first XD