
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Frequent Trips

I've been coughing a lot lately, since last week when I had the 'flu. Today, Mum prepared herbal soup for me, which she says it's good for my cough. I decided to drink it later, or have it tomorrow.

I'm sitting at my computer, being obsessed with my latest obsession, and I'm coughing a lot. One episode later, I look up to see Mum walking back from the kitchen slowly, alternating between carrying a mug and a bowl of fruit. Lift mug, walk a few steps, put it down. Pick up bowl, walk a few steps, put it down. LIft mug, walk a few steps, put it down. Pick up bowl, walk a get the point. So she's obviously taking a while. When I see her, I get up to help her, when I notice that the mug she's bringing here is MY mug! The one that 1st-Sis gave me for Xmas last year.

So there I am, starting to give my mum a hard time for using my mug (even though I don't mind, but that's what I do, I just like ribbing mum sometimes), when she tells me that it's for me. It's soup. That she cooked. For me.

Oh, mother. How I love you.

And way to go with the sending me on a guilt trip!

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