
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Work on Saturday

Not a fan of coming in to the office on Saturdays, but a girl's gots to do what a girl's gots to do!

Met up with Tink and TehTarik last night. Was good to see TehTarik again, and her boy's simply gorgeous! Went for Japanese food at Restaurant Hoshigaoka. The food was pretty good! Would have liked a wider selection of sushi, and was disappointed that they were out of hamachi, but overall, it was a great dining experience. The food was good, the  wagyu shabu-shabu was delicious, as was the green tea, the service was excellent (which is becoming so rare these days!), and the prices reasonable. Of course, the company definitely made it a great evening!

And just like that, I complete one item from my Day Zero Project list - treating my girls to dinner, and start on another item - eating at a restaurant I've never been to.

Walked around a bit, then decided to bus it home. I'd forgotten how LONG the bus journey is from there! But I had my music and my book, so I was good to go.

Stayed up late chatting, and didn't get to sleep until about 4am. Needless to say, I woke up late for work this morning. Now I have a headache and am dehydrated and tired.

That's how you know you're getting get hungover without any alcohol.

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