
Thursday, March 31, 2011


We've come to the end of March! Already! Doesn't time just whoosh by when you're having a blast?

I have been most remiss in my blogging. So many times, I've wanted to blog, but never quite got around to it. So many things have happened, that I don't even know where to start. I think I'll have to break it down over the next few days.

I keep saying that, don't I? I do miss blogging though. I'm actually beginning to miss a lot of things. Blogging, writing, dragonboat paddling, running, clubbing.

All that shall soon be remedied. Not enough hours in the day, but I shall work my magic, and make time.

All in all, life has been quite frustrating indeed. I find myself tripping over potholes that seemingly appear out of nowhere. I make plans, life steps in to change them. Certain events over the past few weeks though, have served to remind me of how so very lucky I am. I look around, and realise that...despite all of the pitfalls, life is pretty damn amazing.

Oh, and I'm stating this for all to see: Doof was right.
Eating a chocolate muffin and dairy milk chocolate, and then following that up with orange juice? Not a good idea. I've also discovered that having a banana and a mocha for breakfast the morning after...also not a good idea.

But no, I probably haven't learnt my lesson.

I probably shouldn't have eaten so many strawberries at lunch. But they were quite nommy indeed. I might have to consume nothing but water for the rest of the day.

Except that I'm going to get me a coffee from Sbux later. And it's Shoes' turn to buy.

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