
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

Yesterday, one of my closest friends commented that "it's almost depressing to see how [she] could've turned out." I asked her about it, and she said that many of her younger friends are going to med school, which is what she'd wanted to do, but gave up on it.

Of course, that got me thinking.

Ten years ago, I would never have imagined this life for myself. Bella, Kris and I all had our 'time capsule' letters. Everybody had an idea of what I'd turn out to be...none of those predictions came true.

I've given up on some of my dreams. I'm not going to university any time soon. I'm not going to enrol in acting school. I'm clearly not going to be married with kids by the time I'm 25, especially since I passed the quarter-century milestone ages ago.

Fact is, I could have achieved a lot more. I could have studied a little harder in secondary school. Actually scratch that. I could actually have studied a little in secondary school. I know I'm really intelligent. I've been blessed with a good memory (when I choose to use it). My sisters envied me my ability to not study, and still pass tests. On the rare occasion I decided to glance at my books, I ended up acing tests. All too often, phrases such as "does not apply herself" and "has the potential to do better" appeared on my report cards.

'Tis true. I did not apply myself. I did indeed have the potential to do far, far better than I actually did.

I used to regret it. I used to resent others for having opportunities that I lacked. Until I realised that I'd had those same opportunities, and more, all along. I simply chose to ignore them.

I didn't take the standard route. Despite all my abilities, I flunked out of college. I job-hopped, because nothing held my interest for long. Once the challenge of learning something new was overcome (and that usually didn't take long), I'd get bored and decide to move on. I chose to take the easy way out, which only led to a bumpier road.

I could easily look back on my life now, and say to myself that I would've, could've, should've but didn't. To be honest, I do suffer pangs of regret now and again. But I've come to realise that taking the road less travelled truly has made all the difference.

If I had done all the things I'd planned on doing when I was 18, I wouldn't be the person I am today. And I really, really like who I am today!

I'm taking the long and winding road, filled with bumps and potholes. It's taking me a lot longer to achieve my dreams than I'd originally predicted. I'm overcoming more challenges and hence learning more about myself and about life.

I refuse to play the games of "What-If" and "What Could Have Been". I choose instead to focus on What Is, and What Can Be.

Bottom line: I'm having fun. And I'm living my life my way.

It does not do to dwell on dreams...and forget to live.
-- Albus Dumbledore

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