
Friday, April 30, 2010

I shouldn't have blinked...

And we're done with April!

Seriously, where did the month disappear to? This year is simply flying past, and I'm having a brilliant time with it.

Calis! Had her birthday last week, and her party was last Saturday. Super busy the few days leading up to it, but I do believe a brilliant time was had by all. It was lovely catching up with the family. I just wish I'd been able to spend more time with each of them. Managed to have a decent conversation with Aunt Debs, hung out with Nix playing computer games, but ended up falling asleep before I wanted to! Looks like I've taken over Sis2's position as the one who crashes at family get-togethers!

Was lovely to see Barb and her kids Pips and Heddy again. They're just such genuine and loving people, one can't help but love them right back. Pips just adores Calis, it's so funny and heartwarming to see them together.

Class! is going well, but I really gotta get around to finishing up my assignments.

Work! is decent. Some days are better than others, but on the whole, it's pretty good. I must admit that I can't wait for this project to be over. At the rate we're going, we're never getting outta here!

Meeting Sof after work. I haven't seen her in ages! We're both always so busy and tied up with life...but I'm glad we're making the effort to meet up. The great thing about her is that no matter how much time goes by, we never have any awkwardness. Sure, we need to have a catch-up; we both have no idea what the other has been up to, but being with her is so effortless. It's amazing to think that we've known each other for 22 years!

Sometimes I look around and feel a pang of envy - most people around me have tons of friends, their phones beep every now and again, and they're never wanting for company.
Then I realise that as much as I'd love to be like that...I love being like this even more. I have solid friendships. I have people in my life who love me unconditionally. They understand me...and on the rare times they don't quite get it, they accept me anyway.

How is it that I always end up being a bucket of mush? I guess it's simply because I'm loving life so much and I'm so very blessed.

Oh and best discovery of the week: McD's brought back the quarter pounder with cheese! As well as the double quarter pounder!
But why do we call it that here? We use the metric system too!


...oh wow. Immediately after typing out all of the above, I get an email. And the email said:

"It's al-l-l-l-l-l-l good," Ki.

Especially the "good" part.
Happy Friday,
The Universe

All together now, with feeling. FRIIIIIDAAAAYYY!!!!!

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