
Friday, May 1, 2009

Mayday! Mayday!

Sleeping in on a weekday? Glorious!

Left the office at 9pm last night (!) after starting work at 7.30am. Needless to say, I was quite knackered. What made it worse was that I was starting a migraine, which just got worse as I made my way home. Was going to take a cab from JP, but the taxi queues were so long, I just took the bus. Which was a lot faster than waiting for a cab.

Fought nausea all the way home, still managed to talk to my mum and my neighbour, who was over, spoke to my bro, then showered and collapsed into bed, ice-pack in hand.

Today, I woke up at 9.30! How wonderful it feels to sleep in!

And I'm really hungry because I didn't eat last night. But I'm off to have a shower, then to the shops to pick up a few things, then I'll bake!

Haven't decided what to bake yet. Oatmeal cookies are really easy, but I'm tempted to make some brownies.

Family BBQ today! Looking forward to that; will be nice to see the folks again. Always fun when the family gets together.

Long weekends for the win!

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