
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Long weekends are love

Yesterday, I kept thinking it was Saturday, so I was pretty darn happy when I realised it was only Friday!

Didn't bake in the end, as I didn't have time. What with getting the sis ready, helping out at home and succumbing to lazyarseness, I barely had time to get ready myself.

Lovely, lovely time with the family. The kids are, as always, a joy to behold. Lots of fun and food was had by all. And the only alcohol I consumed was one Jack n' coke, and two Bailey's on rocks.

I must have a proper piss-up one of these days. Although I'm so out of practice that it wouldn't take much to get me well and sloshed!

Today? Today was the epitome of lazy.

Woke up at 10.30, and that was only because Sis-C kept on at me til I woke up. Cooked up some eggs and toast for our breakfast, and that's pretty much the most work I did all day. Pottered around, read a bit, had an afternoon nap, lazed around some more, watched some tv, lay in bed for an hour or so....

Today felt like the perfect lazy Sunday.

What made it even better? It's not Sunday!

Fun Friday, lazy Saturday...and a whole day tomorrow to tie up the weekend!

I love my life.

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