
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sometimes the time just drags on

It's only Tuesday, and already I'm well knackered.
Then again, I don't quite get weekends proper to recuperate.

Today's affirmation? So very apt! "My body needs more tender self-care from me."

Is that a bit redundant - self-care from me?

No matter. I do need to take more care of myself. As such, I'm going to shower now and get to bed by midnight.

Today, I was thankful that I had homecooked food for lunch. As I did yesterday, and likely tomorrow as well. Sure beats cup noodles! (but not by much...)

Today's happy moments:

- hazelnut coffee is truly made of win

- homecooked lunch

- walk home, to happy music

- Calis being so happy to see me

- Vix helping me with that silly Excel thing

- Doof and I taking turns to start the hunt

Perhaps if I sleep soon, I won't be as tired tomorrow.

Glad I made it through the day, even though I had some moments where I thought I wouldn't.

Oh! And read Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. I thought I hadn't, but I had read it ages ago! But now I actually own a copy!
I don't think reading Coraline quite counts as a 'book a month' kind of book. Just as well I'm on Hope's Boy by Andrew Bridge now.

Good books, good friends, good coffee and the internets. My world is lookin' gooooood.

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