
Friday, March 27, 2009

New Magic Jeans!

I have a pair of magic jeans - almost every time I put them on, I find money in one of the pockets. Usually a couple bucks, but sometimes even a couple tenners.

Apparently I have a pair of magic trousers too.

Today? I've discovered that my new Levi's jeans are also made of magic.

I'd slipped a card into my back pocket this morning as I was running out the door. Arrived at the office, stood at my desk, put my hand in my back pocket and pulled out the card...

As well as fifty dollars.

Luck of the Irish? Pah, I don't need that.

I have cash conjuring clothes.

1 comment:

alantru said...

You're so lucky. All mine do is rip. That and magically catch every wayward piece of food I spill on them. Especially chocolate and ketchup.