
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I need a massage

And I shall get one soon.

It was, all things considered, a good weekend. I nearly got into a car accident on Saturday - don't you love how cabbies are such excellent drivers? (Yes, that was sarcasm, tyvm)

So...I'm thankful I'm alive and well.

I'm also thankful that I am able to talk things out with my friends. Letting slight misunderstandings fester leads to bigger problems later on.

Happy moments:
- seeing mum

- seeing mum move her arm (even though I tease her that I didn't see it, and I want her to do it again)

- having dad listen to me, and understand me. I truly think that good things are coming out of this difficult time, and one of these things is that Dad and I are starting to listen to each other better, and we've grown closer

- the adventure in the rain, with calis

- seeing Calis' face light up after I bought her a couple t-shirts. Small things make her happy...and seeing her happy? The feeling is indescribable.

- catching loads of 'good' mice in Mousehunt

- discussing Mousehunt with the other Hunters

- getting Doof to sound the horn for me while I'm unable to get online

It's been a great month so far!

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