
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Drown or suffocate?

Busy busy day!

I love being so busy that there's always something to do, but not so swamped that you're drowning in quicksand.

Hmm. Do you actually drown in quicksand? Anyway.

Know what? I just realised that more than 60 days have passed since the start of the year. I don't have to write down my daily thanksgiving anymore.

Now there's something to be thankful for! But yes, there is much I am thankful for. I am thankful for the good things that are coming out of this tough time.

Happy moments:
- walking home. It's amazing what a 30-minute walk can do for the soul. Not so fun on the feet though, if you're not in comfy shoes.

- coming home to Calis

- having Son come home and take Calis out for a bit. It's good to see Son spending time with her

- having a bit of time to myself

It's the little things.

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