
Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today was a sleepy sleepy sleepy day. And I only had one red bull to tide me over, so I did end up having a coffee in the afternoon.

So very tired now...but perhaps this weekend I'll do a progress report. It's about time anyway.

Today's thanksgiving:
I am thankful the washing machine didn't transform my money into a ball of mush.

Today's happy moments:
- discovering a hundred bucks in my pocket. I don't know how long it's been there, and I don't even remember putting it in the pockets! It was like being given a hundred bucks!

- flagging down a yellow-top cab (I generally hate yellow-top cabs, but there were no other taxis in sight), only to realise that it was a newer and bigger cab. Plus cabbie was pretty nice too, and it was a really pleasant cab ride

- seeing the pleasure on niece and nephew's faces when they saw me and Calis

- talking to Niqui

- seeing Mum again, and seeing her looking so well

Ok, sleep now-ish. Am working again tomorrow. It might only be a half day, but I'm knackered enough as it is.

Oh well. Only a half-day, and then the weekend will be upon me!

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