
Friday, February 27, 2009

Almost Friday!

Glad it's Friday tomorrow. This has been a long week. I'll be working on Saturday too, so the weekend won't be upon me just yet, but Saturday's a quiet day, so it's all good.

New maid came in today. She seems alright. And her English is better than the previous one, so communication will be so much easier. Plus, she has nursing experience, and she knows how to cook!

Looks like my life has just gotten a wee bit easier.

I miss my mum. But I'll get to see her on the weekend, hurrah!

Today's thanksgiving:
I am thankful that my father is able to support our family financially. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would have been should we have been unable to pay mum's hospital bills, or not be able to employ help.

Today's happy moments:
- walking home. I love that walk home, especially when it's just rained, so the air is nice and cool. And has that just-rained-the-world-has-been-washed-clean smell

- cooking dinner for the family

- chatting with the neighbours. Auntie R's sister moved in with her a few months ago, and at first, I thought she was rather standoffish and proud. Perhaps she was just shy or something, but she's warmed up to us now, and we chat when we see each other. She's no longer merely my neighbour's sister; she's my neighbour. And I have great neighbours

- having great neighbours who drop by and provide us with murtabak

- murtabak is win

- teasing Calis

- hearing Calis' laughter

So tired today, so I'm going to turn in. G'night!

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