
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday's Thanksgiving

Today's Thankgiving:
I know I gave thanks for my younger sis before, but I'm giving thanks for her again. She truly is our angel on earth.

Today's happy moments:
- happy music!

- being busy the whole day. Not swamped, but I had a constant flow of work to do.

- Good walk home - took me only 25 minutes this time. Probably because it was later, hence cooler. Also, construction guys had knocked off for the day, so my paths weren't obstructed

- the weather. Simply gorgeous day out

- hanging out with Kris, who dropped my my office today

- watching films on Red, in bed.

- knowing that I made Calis happy, if only for a while

- watching Baby Nate clown around in his playpen, hamming it up completely

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